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attendance matters

Report an Absence, Tardy, or Dismissal
Please call (844) 381-7947 or go to Safe Arrival to report any student's absence, tardy, or dismissal.  We encourage all families to attach any supporting documentation for absence, tardy, or dismissal (doctor's note, etc.) in the email as well.

Late Bus Sign Up
Late Bus Routes Map

Late Bus A MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday
Late Bus B MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday
Late Bus C MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday
METCO Late Bus MondayTuesdayThursday

soccer club sign up
Weekly Soccer Club Signup
Sign up by Tuesday night to be one of 21 players to play on 3 teams on Thursday afternoon. 
List of Players for this Week (Students in Rows 2-22 will be 21 students allowed to play)

october calendar
 unified bocce registration
2024-2025 Student Supply Lists